Water Pond Filters

Water Pond Filters

Mechanical and biological filtration keeps your water clean, clear, and safe. By removing debris or growing "good bacteria" with pond skimmers or water pond filters, we have the pond filters and filtration supplies to balance your pond ecosystem.

How do Water Pond Filters Help?

There are two forms of filtration critical to maintaining a healthy ecosystem pond: mechanical and biological. Through mechanical and biological filtration, ecosystem ponds will process fish waste, uneaten fish food, leaves, and runoff from lawns. In ecosystem ponds, mechanical filtration is provided by a pond skimmer and biological filtration is provided by a BioFalls® Filter.

FAQs about Water Pond Filters

There are two forms of filtration critical to maintaining a healthy ecosystem pond: mechanical and biological. Through mechanical and biological filtration, ecosystem ponds will process fish waste, uneaten fish food, leaves, and runoff from lawns. In ecosystem ponds, mechanical filtration is provided by a pond skimmer and biological filtration is provided by a BioFalls® Filter.